Achievements So far:
- Rehabilitation of 72 Children and 22 Senior Citizens since march 2000 with community
- Developing Remembrance Park, including training center and with national leaders'
- Nature's Nest,' a non-formal education center.
- Production of Bio-fertilizers and Organic Pesticides.
- Organized and Strengthened 'Community Based Organizations' in 426 habitations
with925 Self-Help Groups.
- Nursery development and distribution of 13,50,000 saplings to tribal's.
- Organized 356 Grain Banks for food security among tribals.Acquried 6.5 acres of land
and buildings worth Rs.55 laths through community contributions.
- 400 teachers have come together to form 'TEJO' (Teacher' Endowment for Jattu
Orphans). TEJO has raised funds of Rs.3 laths.
- PrKrurthi Adi Devobhava a parkruthi Darisini have been developed in Thotapalli,
Garugubilli,Vizianagaram Dist to generate awareness on protection of environment.